Methods of payment

Most methods of payment are accepted on A63 motorway of the Landes:

Cash and cheques:

> cash (euros only) and cheques (except holiday vouchers) established in euros and clearable in France.
If you have holiday vouchers, it is however possible for you to take out a specific subscription

“Liber-T vacances”, without expenses, are available to certain Liber-T transmitters. FIND OUT MORE Click here).

Caution: only 5, 10 and 20 euro notes are accepted.


> VISA and Mastercard cards and accredited professional cards (DKV, RESSA, Total Fleet, Eurotrafic, Esso Card).

The toll equipment (badges or on-board equipment) available with subscriptions:

> Liber-T for light vehicles:

> TIS (Inter Company Toll) for HGV : TIS-PL Subscriptions


If you wish to settle an outstanding payment, follow the link.