ESG indicator on A63 motorway

Atlandes ESG policy has defined a limited number of KPI to be followed and reported on.

This page will evolve through time.

For 2021, water consumption, energy consumption, waste disposal and CO2 emissions have been estimated and are published below. Certification process is under way and will be ready for 2022 reporting.


KPI Unit 2021 Value 2022 Value 2023 Value Comments
Water consumption m3 21 911 21 771 32 844

Rest, service areas and Operation buildings

Making the perimeter more reliable in 2023

Energy consumption MWh  1 628  1 657  1 446 Including patrolling vehicles
Renewable production MWh     160     168     155

Solar panels close to toll gates

+ Wattway solar road at Saugnac-et-Muret

Waste disposal T    451    459    496 Mainly on rest areas
CO2 emissions kT    451    474    416 Mainly scope 3 (Motorway traffic)

Download 2021 report (FR).

Download 2023 report (FR)